Octopus CRM vs LinkedHelper: Choosing the Right LinkedIn Automation Tool

In today’s digital age, LinkedIn has become an indispensable platform for professionals and businesses alike. As the demand for efficient networking and lead generation grows, so does the need for powerful automation tools. Two popular contenders in this space are Octopus CRM and LinkedHelper. As seasoned SEO marketing specialists who have personally tested these tools, we’ll dive deep into their features, strengths, and limitations to help you make an informed decision.

Octopus CRM vs LinkedHelper: Choosing the Right LinkedIn Automation Tool

Our hands-on experience with both Octopus CRM and LinkedHelper has revealed unique insights into their performance, usability, and overall value proposition. We’ll explore how these tools stack up against each other in various aspects, from automation capabilities to pricing and user experience.

Key Facts

  • Octopus CRM offers basic automation features at an affordable price point, starting at $9.99/month.
  • LinkedHelper provides advanced automation and CRM features, catering to more complex business needs.
  • Both tools focus on LinkedIn policy compliance, with LinkedHelper offering more sophisticated mimicking of human behavior.

Automation Capabilities: The Core of LinkedIn Outreach

When it comes to automation capabilities, both Octopus CRM and LinkedHelper offer robust features, but with distinct approaches. Octopus CRM provides a straightforward solution for basic automation needs. It allows users to create custom automation campaigns for sending connection requests, personalized messages, and endorsements. The tool also supports bulk actions for message sending and profile viewing, which can significantly speed up outreach efforts.

As one of our team members noted,

“Octopus CRM’s simplicity is its strength. It’s perfect for small businesses or individual professionals who want to dip their toes into LinkedIn automation without getting overwhelmed.”

On the other hand, LinkedHelper takes automation to the next level. Its advanced workflows and sequential actions allow for more complex campaigns. LinkedHelper excels in creating intricate automation sequences with multiple steps, timeouts, and campaign management options. This level of sophistication enables users to craft highly personalized and targeted outreach strategies.

Another team member observed,

“LinkedHelper’s ability to create intricate automation sequences is impressive. It’s like having a virtual assistant dedicated to your LinkedIn outreach.”

The tool’s ability to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts simultaneously makes it particularly appealing for agencies and teams handling various client profiles or large-scale campaigns.

Integration and CRM Features

While Octopus CRM offers integration with popular tools like HubSpot and Zapier, facilitating smooth data flow and process automation, LinkedHelper goes a step further with its comprehensive CRM system.

Octopus CRM provides a simple lead management system, but it lacks some of the more advanced features available in LinkedHelper. On the other hand, LinkedHelper includes detailed customer profiles, tagging, and note-taking features, which we found particularly useful for managing large-scale campaigns. This robust CRM functionality allows users to maintain a detailed history of customer interactions, making it easier to personalize follow-ups and nurture leads over time.

LinkedHelper’s advanced lead filtering options also allow users to exclude certain profiles based on keywords or other criteria, reducing redundancy and optimizing outreach efforts. These features make LinkedHelper a more comprehensive solution for businesses that require detailed lead management and deeper integration capabilities.

Compliance and User Experience

Both tools prioritize compliance with LinkedIn’s policies, but LinkedHelper’s approach is more sophisticated. It mimics human behavior more closely, making it less likely to trigger LinkedIn’s automated activity detection.

LinkedHelper achieves this by limiting the number of daily actions to stay within LinkedIn’s guidelines and by implementing more nuanced automation processes. However, this comes at the cost of a steeper learning curve. Some users find LinkedHelper’s interface to be complex, requiring more time to master its full suite of tools. Octopus CRM, while less nuanced in its compliance measures, offers a more user-friendly interface that’s easier to navigate for beginners.

Users appreciate Octopus CRM’s intuitive interface, which makes setting up and running campaigns straightforward, even for those new to LinkedIn automation. This ease of use is particularly beneficial for small businesses and individual professionals who may not have the time or resources to invest in learning a more complex system.

Pricing and Value Proposition

Octopus CRM stands out with its affordable pricing, making it an attractive option for small businesses and individual professionals.

With plans starting as low as $9.99 per month for the starter version and scaling up to $69.99 per month for unlimited features, Octopus CRM is known for its cost-effectiveness. This pricing structure makes it accessible to a wide range of users, from solo entrepreneurs to growing businesses.

LinkedHelper, while more expensive, justifies its price with advanced features and priority support. Its pricing is tailored for professionals and businesses that require more sophisticated tools and dedicated assistance. LinkedHelper’s higher price point reflects its more comprehensive feature set, including the robust CRM system, advanced lead filtering, and multi-account management capabilities.

As one of our analysts put it,

“Octopus CRM offers great value for those just starting out, but LinkedHelper is the tool of choice for businesses ready to invest in a more comprehensive LinkedIn strategy.”

This pricing difference aligns with the tools’ target audiences: Octopus CRM caters to users looking for a budget-friendly option with basic automation needs, while LinkedHelper is designed for larger teams and businesses requiring deeper customization and integration capabilities.

Horlio: An Innovative Alternative

While Octopus CRM and LinkedHelper are established players in the LinkedIn automation space, Horlio emerges as an innovative alternative that addresses some of the limitations of both tools. Horlio combines AI-powered content generation with intelligent automation, offering a unique approach to LinkedIn engagement.

Key features of Horlio include:

  • AI-driven content creation that adapts to different tones and styles
  • Advanced targeting capabilities for precise audience engagement
  • Comprehensive analytics and actionable insights for strategy optimization
  • Seamless integration with popular CRM systems

What sets Horlio apart is its focus on creating genuine, personalized interactions at scale.

As one of our team members who beta-tested Horlio noted,

“Horlio’s AI-powered content generation is a game-changer. It allows for a level of personalization and relevance that’s hard to achieve with traditional automation tools.”

Transform Contacts into Conversations with Smart Targeting on LinkedIn!


In the comparison between Octopus CRM and LinkedHelper, the choice ultimately depends on your specific needs and resources. Octopus CRM offers a cost-effective solution for basic LinkedIn automation, ideal for small businesses and individual professionals. LinkedHelper, with its advanced features and robust CRM capabilities, caters to larger teams and more complex business requirements.

However, for those looking to push the boundaries of LinkedIn engagement, Horlio presents an exciting alternative. By leveraging AI and advanced automation, Horlio addresses many of the limitations found in traditional tools, offering a more sophisticated approach to LinkedIn networking and lead generation.

As the LinkedIn automation landscape continues to evolve, tools like Horlio represent the future of social media engagement – one where technology not only automates tasks but enhances the quality and relevance of our professional interactions.


  • Octopus CRM. (n.d.). Pricing. Retrieved from https://octopuscrm.io/
  • LinkedHelper. (n.d.). Features. Retrieved from https://support.linkedhelper.com/hc/en-us/articles/10334078797970-Recently-added-features

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